1099 Vendor Packet
We have created the CLM Accounting Services – 1099 Vendor Packet. The general guidelines for 1099 vendors, a sample cover letter for you to send to your vendors, and Form W-9 is attached for your reference. As noted on the guideline form, CLM strongly recommends that you obtain a W-9 from every vendor that provides you services that could require a 1099 before you pay them. As you receive the W-9s back from your vendors, please scan them to a member of your CLM accounting services team and we will be sure that the vendor is set up correctly in QBO and the form W-9 saved in the vendor record. In case of an audit, you will have all your W-9’s stored in one, easy to access location.
Maine, New Hampshire and Federal Tax Due Dates
Federal and state tax due dates as well as other important dates that may be of interest to you.
Client Tax Organizer
A tax organizer can facilitate the process of pulling together your tax information. This basic tax organizer is designed for new clients and allows you to enter your information right on the screen. You can then print the completed tax organizer and fax or mail it to the office. Current clients should contact the office to request a “proforma” tax organizer that includes prior year information and carryover data.
Federal Tax Forms & IRS Publications
Looking for a federal tax form? Browse this online tax forms library to find downloadable IRS forms. The forms are presented in PDF format and are acceptable for filing with the IRS. You may also choose from dozens of helpful tax publications developed by the IRS to help taxpayers have a better understanding of various tax issues. Available in PDF format, these publications are written in a plain language format geared specifically to taxpayers.